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9 septembre 2019 1 09 /09 /septembre /2019 23:30


Ce soir je commence ma biographie.

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17 novembre 2013 7 17 /11 /novembre /2013 09:26

الملك المظفر سيف الدين قطز


الظاهر بيبرس


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4 décembre 2012 2 04 /12 /décembre /2012 20:53
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23 août 2012 4 23 /08 /août /2012 20:36



Les dessins sont jolis. Du beau bleu clair...
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23 août 2012 4 23 /08 /août /2012 19:40



Belles couleurs dans l'épisode. Un petit garcon qui joue les justiciers rencontre une charmante demoiselle en la sauvant de bandit. Il perd par la suite son grand père. Ce garcon vivait dans la rue avec son grand père dans un taudis.


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20 août 2012 1 20 /08 /août /2012 16:39

l'honneur se gagne par les hommes et se perd par les femmes

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16 août 2012 4 16 /08 /août /2012 17:58

Tommy Vercetti: What's going on?

Ken Rosenberg: Tommy! Oh good, good. Listen, listen. Uh, listen. I like fish, I love fish. I love them as pets in bowls, or as food on a plate. But as much as I love 'em, I don't want to sleep with them. Okay, but right now your Italian brothers are coming from up there to fit me with some cement shoes, and I...

Tommy Vercetti: Shut up Ken. Sit down. Lance, what the hell's going on?

Lance Vance: It's your friends from up north Tommy. They ain't too happy you capped their man. They're coming down to see the business today.

Tommy Vercetti: They took longer than I thought...Guys, we gotta make this final. We gotta leave no doubt that this operation is mine. Mine! Ken, you get the first run of counterfeit cash and put three mil in briefcases. Lance, you get the guys together...

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12 août 2012 7 12 /08 /août /2012 19:02

59,99 € @ldlc Paris

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2 août 2012 4 02 /08 /août /2012 09:03

Ganging up

what I would tell to youngsters who's headed to Pelican Bay

is don't believe a lot of the ideology that these so called gang members have

u know they're all to use u I don't care how much work how much stabbings u put in

how much money you bring to the organisation

if you don't meet the creed of that organisation u gonna be used

u gonna get abused

you know they say u know we trying to uprise your own race you know the mexican race bring pride to it whatever u

but in actuality these gangs and these organisations you know, they bring a disgrace to our race

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6 juin 2012 3 06 /06 /juin /2012 08:29


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